If you are experiencing a weird feeling in your pants, it's normal. Here's to hoping they won't fuck it up. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0409459/…
Zoomii – A Virtual Bookstore Actually Worth Looking At
Updated: June 26th, 2008
I am usually very skeptical towards new startups, as most tend to do one thing and not so well or many things even less successfully. Zoomii, however, is what I found very useful. It creates the kind of feeling that you get when you're in control, when you can see at a glance what's going on. Zoomii is a virtual bookstore, with an Amazon backend. They took a different approach and made everything very visual, just like in the brick and mortar store – and I love it.
You can browse the latest releases or the top sellers, or perform a search and get hundreds of book covers, uncluttered by any text (until you click on any of them). …
Hey, it's Matt again from www.wherethehellismatt.com and his 2008 video is absolutely stunning. In short, Matt goes around the world and performs a little dance, purposely bad. The scenes from his videos were already amazing enough but this one absolutely tops them all. This my most favorite video in a long while.
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo. Be careful, you may turn all teary-eyed for a minute, even if you're a guy – yeah….
Top 10 Reasons Why Digsby ROCKS
Updated: August 20th, 2009
If you haven't heard of Digsby yet, you have probably been living in some kind of a virtual cave or have no friends. Digsby is a multi-network instant messenger application, similar to Trillian, Pidgin (GAIM), or Miranda. I said 'similar', so what makes Digsy special? Reviews I read so far don't give the real reasons and don't dive into the features in depth. Instead, you get a standard load of marketing BS and in the end to you, the user, Digsby may end up being "yet another IM program." Some reviews describe certain features, but so far I haven't seen one that highlighted THE MAIN REASON why Digsby is different. And may I preface it with: finally somebody got a …
Interesting Uses For Google Streetview (Video By Google)
By now I think most everyone has used Google maps and seen the street view feature. Lately the maps team has been doing an amazing job covering the bay area, so now you can literally walk the streets for hours.
Virtual walking aside, there are some really creative uses of this feature posted in this video by the Google team today. I never myself thought to check my own street for street cleaning signs – saves a trip downstairs! Or look at the toll road prices (like the Bay bridge toll). Or at least watch people falling off their bikes. Anyway, just watch the video (thanks to zefrank for posting it).
Updated: April 23rd, 2008
[WORK IN PROGRESS] Here is a list of commands that I use every day with vim, in no particular order. Out of a billion possible key combinations, I found these to be irreplaceable and simple enough to remember.
* |
search for the word under cursor (to the end of the file) |
# |
search for the word under cursor (to the top of the file) |
ctrl-p,ctrl-n |
suggest (p)revious or (n)ext autocomplete from the list of existing keywords in the file or included files (!). |
:go NNN |
go to byte NNN |
. |
redo last command |
search document for SEARCH TERM |
:%s/FOO/BAR/gci |
replace FOO with BAR (g)lobally, case (i)insensitively, and asking for (c)onfirmation |
Tax Season – How To Properly Import Trades From Scottrade And InteractiveBrokers
Updated: July 30th, 2021
Why do I dread doing taxes every year? One of the main reason was having to figure out ways to import hundreds of transactions from my stock brokers: Scottrade and InteractiveBrokers. I love IB but come on, it's 2008 and they still don't provide .txf files to import into TurboTax (or TaxCut, but I use TurboTax myself). Scottrade, on the other hand, is directly importable through TurboTax but it only imports sale amounts and not purchases, so TurboTax thinks I got my stocks for free and wants to tax me on the full sale amount rather than the profits. That is, of course, very incorrect. Here are the best solutions I could find to these problems:
1. Scottrade….
[VIDEO] First Look At Zerg In StarCraft 2
Updated: August 25th, 2007
Here are some pictures and videos from the magnificent Tiesto's Elements Of Life concert that rocked San Francisco yesterday, July 28, 2007.
Feel free to follow this linky for more pictures.
Videos by shotokun16, myself, and others from the party:
The day is finally here. Blizzard just officially announced Starcraft 2 at an official Korean event! As someone put it on digg, if you didn't know that you can simultaneously cream and shit your pants, you will now. Here are the first videos that surfaced on the web.
Cinematic trailer:
The actual gameplay demo narrated by Blizzard. IMO, this is the best and the most well put together demo I've ever seen:
And some more gameplay videos:
A TON more trailers here: GameTrailers SC 2 Page…
Review of: Ultimate Ears Super.fi 5 Pro Earphones
Updated: June 24th, 2020
Received this set today from Amazon. This is the review I wrote:
Well, what can I say… this is hands down the best pair of earphones that I've tried so far. I went through:
– (of course) the ipod cheapies that are horrible at everything except for giving you pain,
– the ER-6i, which sucked so bad, they had to be returned to Amazon. They basically touched parts of my brain, literally, that's how deep they went in. I experienced pain and headaches almost instantly,
– the Sony MDR-EX71SL, which was actually quite decent for the price ($29.99 on Amazon). They were much better than ER-6i and sounded great, until they fell apart completely due to the …