As a backend developer, I don't get to work with JavaScript much anymore. However, from time to time, a project would come along that uses JavaScript (specifically, AJAX) to load some backend data on the fly. Of course, nothing works 100% right away*, so I would often have to tweak this JavaScript and massage it until it does what I need.
Here's where Firebug comes in with its JavaScript debugger. I'm used to using a debugger in every language I deal with, so using Firebug is a no brainer. Since it supports breakpoints, stopping execution and inspecting local variables and the rest of the scope generally beats alerts and console.logs for me.
Here's what a typical breakpoint looks …
Debugging Weird sshd Connection Problems + What Happens When You Stop sshd
So the other day I was setting up public key authentication for one of my users, which is usually very straightforward: generate a private/public key pair, stick the private key into user's .ssh dir, set dir permissions to 0700, private key permissions to 0600, stick the public key into the authorized_keys file on the server, and the job's done. However, this time, no matter what I was doing, the public key was being rejected or ignored and the system was moving on to the keyboard-interactive authentication.
Debugging on the client side with -v didn't help much: