Updated: July 15th, 2006
Well, as of today I'm 23. Am I old? Yes, I'm extremely old [mature]. Am I young? Hell yeah and always will be [beer planet party?].
Some other things that are 23:
- 23, the movie
- 23%: Rottentomatoes.com rating for The Da Vinci Code as of yesterday
- July 23rd 2006: Intel will release the ultimate AMD killers: Conroe for desktops and Merom for notebooks. "It's about time," cries my INTC heavy portfolio. By the way, INTC reversal has already started.
Updated: July 15th, 2006
Was driving on 19th Ave today next to Stonestown and saw a homeless (who else has the time to spend like this?) man (or woman? :?) holding up a BUMPER STICKER that read Jail Bush.

That's it, just standing there, alone, in between 2 parked cars, holding up a bumper sticker. These homeless people are getting intelligent. Perhaps he/she should take a step further and start accepting donations for the opposing party……
This is the infamous ringtone that made its way to high schools so that teachers can't hear when phones ring while kids can. Are you OLD already? Can you hear this (use a relatively low volume)?
Updated: July 3rd, 2006
Edit 7/3: Ok, well, looks like I did graduate, with 190 completed units. The GPA averaged to exactly 3.40 :?. Could be better, but it's not that bad. I'm glad I moved out of Chi Phi on time, since a week ago somebody's room got broken into, and now there's a rodent problem (and I'm sure there's plenty of cockroaches too). I'll miss living there with all the guys, however. I'm sure they'll miss me too (read: my movies).
Now just to get a master's and I'll be set. The question is: when?
Wow, I just realized: I'm done with undergrad. I have a BS and a BA? Holy crap!?…
AMD Plans Major CPU Price Drops Day After Conroe
Updated: July 15th, 2006
AMD is scared of the new Intel monster Conroe. GO INTEL!
According to memos recently obtained by DailyTech, AMD will drastically cut prices on its desktop processors after the July 23rd release of Intel’s Core 2 Duo Conroe processors. The memos that DailyTech has secured are between AMD and Japanese system manufacturers and indicate the following price cuts will become effective July 24th, 2006:
- AMD Athlon 64 price cuts will receive price cut up to 30%
- AMD Athlon 64 X2 will receive price cuts up to 50%
- AMD Sempron processors will receive price cuts up to 15%
… http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=2800…
Rendr – a Live Awesome CSS/HTML Rendering Tool
Updated: July 15th, 2006
Edit: updated link.
Rendr is a live CSS and HTML rendering tool. It displays what the page would look like as you type, making it great for rapid testing of page designs. Just paste some HTML and CSS and the page will change on the fly. The edit box is also movable and resizable….
Updated: July 15th, 2006
Well, the site is fast again (as fast as it can get on Dreamhost). As many Dreamhost users know, sites hosted with them are often slow to load with a high initial lag. I'm hosting 3 sites with them, and there are speed problems with all 3.
So after looking into it some more, I discovered that the problem is not the servers used (they are actually dual core 2+Ghz Opterons), and not the amount of RAM (4GB), or server load (usually 1-3, which for a dual core system shouldn't be bad at all). It is actually the nfs (network filesystem). All of Dreamhost files are sitting on nfs, which is mounted on the hosting servers. The problem with …
Updated: November 4th, 2007

Installed Ubuntu LTS 6.06 as a 2nd OS on my Dell E1505 laptop today after delaying doing this for a while. This article from digg finally made me install it, which took roughly 10 minutes, as it mentions. Compare this and 0 reboots to 45min and 5 reboots installing Windows. Ubuntu's pretty damn sweet; I'm gonna go tweak it now with the help of Arthur. I'm predicting that Linux (and Ubuntu in particular, as of now) will eat up Windows' market share surely and quickly. The dual boot is very friendly, it uses GRUB as the boot manager. To boot directly into Windows by default, I edited /boot/grub/menu.list from Ubuntu….
It's a struggle between a stick figure and his creator, using items on the Flash toolbar. Extremely cool!
Amazing Flash: Animator vs Animation…