Posted by Artem Russakovskii on July 4th, 2009 in
Updated: October 6th, 2009
Mom sent me this picture the other day, taken in Kharkov, Ukraine, my home city.
My question is… wtf? I'm assuming the truck started where the road was – what kind of speeds were involved here? Those trains usually go at speeds around 15-25mph… No word on the injuries.
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Posted by Artem Russakovskii on October 9th, 2008 in
Updated: October 15th, 2008
Worst thing I’ve ever seen…

Edit: Oh, and this just knocked the wind out of me: this is the rate of return in my 401K account this year:

Edit #2: nope, that wasn’t the worst. Today (Oct 15, 2008) beats them all:
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