DEATH BY CUTENESS: Orphaned baby owls adopted by cuddly toy mom!
Updated: December 17th, 2007
An adorable group of orphaned baby owls have been adopted by a silly-looking stuffed toy owl, after they were found on the brink of death in the wild. You have to see the photo to believe it – you will die of cuteness!
Are you dead yet?…
The 300 Counterstrike Idiots
Make Screen and YaST Work Together
Updated: March 19th, 2008
I don't know about you but I've had a lot of problems making screen work nicely with YaST. Both putty and SecureCRT had major problems displaying YaST's ncurses interface. The screenshots below depict the problem quite clearly. If at this point you don't see anything like this, you are most likely not affected and can go get a beer.
If you are seeing similar problems, here's the fix. After digging around a bit, I have discovered that the problem was incorrect data encoding. My character set was set to KOI8-R while ncurses expected UTF-8. Here is how to change the corresponding setting in putty:
… and SecureCRT:
Now restart YaST and voila:
P.S. You may be wondering why my screen …